GONE WEST is our way of remembering loved ones and pilots who have taken their last flight. This program pays tribute to their legacy by helping teach our youth members the importance of honoring those aviation pioneers who paved the way for them.
Flight Club honors the memories of these pilots by hosting a Gone West ceremony at sunset, on the Fight Club 502 lawn. If the family desires we can record the ceremony so it can be shared with loved ones who may may not be able to attend. We also memorialize them with their photograph and short bio in our GONE WEST memorial wall of fame.
If you have Pilot who you or you family would like to recognize please contact laurajones@flightclub502.org or completing the form below and we will contact you.
Flight Club 502 GONE WEST Ceremony October 2021 in memory of Captain Rex Krauklis retired from UPS airlines after 30 years flying the 757/767. He became passionate about flying at age 12 and began his flight lessons at age 15 and made his first solo at age 16. In his journey to success he loved helping others in their climbs to success. He most enjoyed his time working with pilots in the flight training center. His family donated his Cessna 150 to Flight Club 502 so more kids could have opportunity to fly. N502RK cleared West, visibility unlimited, altitude pilot description, have a great flight and so long Captain Krauklis.

General Phil Ardery
In 1946 he helped form the Kentucky Air National Guard and was its first commander at the rank of Colonel. During his time with the Air Guard he flew a number of aircraft including the F-51 fighter and the F-86. His unit the (123rd Fighter Group) was deployed to England during the Korean War. He was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General USAFR in 1955 and served as AF Liason to the Air Guard. He was promoted to Major General USAFR in April 1962 at the same time Barry Goldwater received his Major General rank.
He officially retired from the Air Force in 1974. His last assignment was in the office of Air Force Information at the Pentagon. He is also the author of several books including “Bomber Pilot”.