Gone West, Our Friend, Colin McNaughton

Colin McNaughton passed away peacefully at his home surrounded by his lovely garden, art collection, his beautiful wife Anne Carter Speed McNaughton and his newborn granddaughter, Anne Parker.

An Inspiring Mentor: In November 2022, Colin left an indelible impression on our youth members during his engaging session on business and patents. Drawing from his extensive experience, he shared invaluable insights and practical advice, empowering the young minds to explore their entrepreneurial spirit. Colin’s ability to connect with our Flight Club 502 members was unparalleled, as he effortlessly bridged the generation gap and instilled in them a sense of confidence and determination.

Colin McNaughton’s passing leaves a void in our hearts, but his legacy will continue to shine brightly. His contributions as an adult advisory member of Flight Club 502 and his inspiring session on business and patents have left an indelible mark on our youth members. As we honor Colin’s memory, let us remember his passion for learning, his love for art and nature, and his dedication to family. May his inspiring journey remind us all to embrace life’s opportunities, nurture our passions, and leave behind a meaningful legacy that positively impacts future generations.



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